Poster Presentation Information
  • All posters must be in portrait style orientation, and all content (text, data, photos, and figures) should fit on one page.
  • The required printout size is 841 x 1189 mm (A0 size) and bring them to the conference venue.
  • Please note that presenters must be around their bulletin boards to make their presentations and answer questions during the poster sessions.
  • Poster presentations will be held on 2F, Innovation Building, Ming Chi University of Technology.
  • Assembling Date/Time: 09:00-16:40, Nov. 8
  • Presenting Date/Time: 10:10-10:50, 13:10-14:00, and 15:20-16:00, Nov. 8. It is your responsibility to address questions about your poster on above presenting times.
  • Removal Date/Time: before 17:00, Nov. 8